Note: Do not send samples without discussing experimental design (see services page) and shipping/handling specifications with Core staff.

Experimental design/analysis questions:

Dr. Oswald Quehenberger

Office: 858-534-8902  

Technical/methodology questions:

Aaron Armando, M.S.

Office: 858-534-8903

Billing/administrative questions:

Milda Simonaitis, M.A.

Office: 858-822-5853

We are located in the Biomedical Sciences Building (BSB).

View Biomedical Sciences Building in a larger map

Delivery Address (use exactly as written for prompt delivery):

Dr. Oswald Quehenberger

UCSD Lipidomics Core

9500 Gilman Dr. MC 0601

BSB Room 4080

La Jolla, CA 92093-0601
